Wednesday, February 25, 2009


One of the most important assert of human is Attitude. I totally compare this to the people interaction ability of how easy, how quick and how much effective relation a person can establish with the other one.  
I think a person can never judge exactly his or her attitude unless the proper understanding of the meaning Attitude. 
Most of the people I have interacted till date are found to be with wrong definition of this human nature or character called attitude. I don't know why most sensitive beings on this earth take this word in very negative sense.  
  If a person is used to being in a quiet state or introvert used to call by people 
“this person has attitude or he shows attitude ….because he doesn't want to talk to me ”. 
so this creates the negative image of the person in society. 
So how we can just create a negative image only on this basis? Might be on the other hand he would be thinking the same.
If you see yourself the attitude is something which represents the negative aspect of a person. 
Sometimes people say this person is so kind so talkative so debonair, this person possess positive attitude.  

In my view there is no such thing of negative attitude … I think attitude is something which can never be known so easy by person unless you consider the each and every aspects of life. 

Even I m still searching the exact definition of attitude, it varies person to person, society to society and thought to thought. I will never say about the negative or the positive attitude because attitude is something neutral to me. It is just a definition for defining the character of a particular human being.

So please understand your attitude before other make some wrong perception...Perception which later becomes a cause of problem for you. 

not ended dabzzz