Thursday, October 30, 2008


“First” this word adds a lot of value to everything it is attached with. Like first baby,
first birthday, first walk, comig first in class, first kiss, first date etcetera. And
above all these comes one more expression First Love. The words look magical isn’t it?
There mere sight makes the vision blurred, memory flies back to in an unknown time,
where there is no one but you and your first love.

Have you ever been in first love? No? Then you are missing something beautiful in
life. First love, only the words are enough to make someone blush like a blossoming
rose. I have experienced it, and I didn’t find anything ever so fresh and satisfying
than it. I was on cloud nine, I wanted to run, but to where I had no idea. I wanted to
jump and yell at the top of my voice, but what and why, I was clueless about. First
love makes you smile without any reasons. My friends used to call me mad, just
because I kept smiling in the initial days of my own first love.

First love is like the first steps of a baby, hesitant, unsure, but curious enough to keep
moving further, exploring new feelings residing inside the heart. The feelings which
were never supposed to be present in the first place had sprouted in the heart. First love
makes the world colorful, all you see is love, intangible but still there very much
present, tickling your thoughts, making you smile. The glow which only first love
can bring on someone’s face appears dramatically and brings a positive aura along
with it. The first few dates you see your partner from the corners of your eyes, you
notice the minute details and smile surfaces in the face. The innocence of first love is
unmatchable, incomparable. First love often comes with a package of many first
things, like the first touch, the first feel, first gentle kiss, first emotional burst out
and many more. Every single emotion looks like a new one, new words are added to
your dictionary, like love, passion, emotions, devotion, hope and many more words
belonging to the positive aura.

While you spend your time with your partner, it’s like you live in a world of your
own, a world where no one exists except you and her. The world looks lovely, decorated
by your dreams and passion. You never realize every single moment you spend in
love, you actually create a heap of precious memories. Which no matted what you
would treasure in the safest corner of your heart forever. Nothing else comes closer to
first love, let me assure of this fact.

But nothing else gives you as much pain as first love, nothing even dares to come
closer. A pain which is ever so beautiful, just like its mother THE LOVE. Pain makes
you suffer, makes your cry, tears often roll down your cheeks leaving trails lost love
behind. The sweet suffering is always willingly accepted by the lover, a true lover.

Pain becomes the most loyal part of your life. You pray vigorously, constantly for
your partner’s return. I won’t say it never happens. But in most of the cases it doesn’t.
God test your loving capability I guess. Remember God gives you the pain which he
thinks you would do justice with. That’s the only reason why I see my suffering and
past scars and wounds with utmost respect. I had chosen love; I had taken the risk of
being hurt. But believe me friends first love is worth all the pain it gives. It’s a mere
cost you pay for all the new feelings it makes you aware of. First love is special, as it
never fades. Still waiting for something to happen? Better DO something before you
lose the chance!

I want to share one thing that this is a voice of a person who could not get his love atlast and he decided not to get marry in life …..i wish him a successful life

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