Friday, May 15, 2009

Don't Be Panic

It is just a simple message I want to deliver, I have been watching people panic so early so quickly, I really don't know why that is so. Most of us when see something unusual something unexpected get panic get frightened, our mind runs like it never did run faster before. 

As I am having interest of learning about mind and its processing. Here I am not going to use some technical definitions about the mind or brain. It is just a realization of your own. 

Just think when you are free, relaxed and careless; your brain works efficiently as your brain working with the lower speed as compared to the panic stage condition. Why?

Because your brain runs in panic state without any direction with the greater speed 
and at the normal state it runs in direction with the normal or your brain’s defined speed.
So if we talk about in technical things here brain’s speed is cells discharging rate. 

 You must have heard about neurons if not so these are the cells of our brain which are responsible of all the operation performed by body and get discharged and charged. So when you are in panic condition your neurons act very fast and get discharged. It is not like that it can charge again quickly, its it own process of charging which takes time.
That is why we always say “my mind in not working “. In actuall the neurons so called 
Cells of brain, discharging rate is quite much higher then charging rate.
Charging and discharging are something like your phone battery.

So after all this explanation I recommend you to be normal at panic condition and keep your brain execution speed normal. You will defiantly get the better result.
And yes try to increase your brain normal or defined speed.

I hope you would understand what I wanted here to explain in simple worlds 
I will let you know some more interesting thing regarding to this later. 
Have a good time. 

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