Friday, January 29, 2010

An idea is something which is made for sale not for share 

Because an idea can change one's life so let this change happened to you 

Because an idea and creativity is always ready to sell in the market 

Things which never saturate the market but grow the hungriness. 

It is not the thing of sharing, is a thing of earning so let this idea earn for you, so y you letting others to earn from it as its your idea.

So make as much as possible as you can from your idea

New things, new ideas and creativities always appreciated because a character still in human to see him amazed and exited always with new things around.

One market rule share those things which have less value to you.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello, i am here again to make you feel something different with some astounding fact of human  which is not accepted scientifically but accept in psychic world, it is Telepathy and Clairvoyance.

It happens sometimes to everybody at anytime where he or she feels to see future for few seconds,known as clairvoyance.

i am going to express some clairvoyance which sometimes astonished me it happens many times when i am in a unusual state where i see  future scenes for some partial seconds. Amazing i astonished to feel this nature of human which is embedded somewhere in our characters.  

Being an engineer i don't denied fictitious thought, i believe, anything can happen at any time but it should be occurred with some  reasonable fact.

i would bring some interesting fact about this context soon,till then have a good time 

by dabz 

Friday, January 15, 2010

Real Life Synchronization

Hello, me again with the concept of mine which you never heard before ‘Real Life Synchronization, what is that? a simple question comes in our mind.

It is something which is as important as you life is, real life synchronization is the concept of matching yourself with real time, it is not the time you see on your  watch, it is the time you define for yourself with respect to others.

Means synchronize yourself with real time objects like you have ever been synchronized with other thing, similarly I take an example when your catching a ball, you synchronize yourself with the ball or when you suppose to cross the road you need to synchronize with the speed of car, think if we enable to synchronize ourselves what would happen, you would drop the catch or you would face a serious accident so second one is quite dangerous isn’t it?

Realize it how important this synchronization is? Who does this important task? How does this happen?

Yes the task is done by our mind which synchronizes our body with other objects, which could be moving. We if subjectively talk, we find that not every time it shows exactly correct result, most of the time it shows error and these errors somehow sometime could become the cause of our death or accident or anything which you don’t want.

It is surprising to know that every human mind has its own synchronization capabilities and limitations. Means mind is limited itself up to certain point beyond which it can’t synchronize itself with other real life objects of life because it has to synchronize itself with more than one things and as number of things increase the ability of mind reduces like in case of crossing the road where mind has to synchronize itself with body, eyes, leg, and speed with which the car is coming. And this power of mind can be reduced or gained by doing the right exercise of mind.

If we realize and observe we find millions of things who somehow somewhere connected to us, some are significant or some are not. It is one of the real life concepts of human’s life.

By dabz

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


First it is important to know what is mind ?

Interesting if you realize it, Mind is some thing which try to see,which is hard you to see in real

Mind is a weapon through which you fight with your imaginations, realizations, feelings, emotions.

The best use of mind , can take you where you want to be, can full fill your dreams your desires (which your mind sees) ,and worst use can take you where you never want to be.

Realize, everything happening in our mind,what we want and how we want.

Have you ever thought of that we are fighting only with minds,those who know the best use of mind can conquer on others, means think deep you got the mind power , you can achieve what your mind sees or dreams of ,because if yous mind desired of something,then defiantly your mind knows how to achieve it.

so its all game played by mind not by human himself.

Now comes subconscious mind

you may be heard about subconscious concept,if not i tell you in my words when your mind is neither conscious nor unconscious,it is the state where you know what is happening but you don't know how it is happening. It is easy to understand when you do some work again and again ,at the first time your mind works consciously as it had to determine how work needs to be done, but second or third time you mind works subconsciously means your mind need not to think again how work need to be done.

Realize, if you do some appreciated work in any particular situation, then your mind enforces you to do the same appreciated work in the same situation subconsciously.

sometimes people take it surprisingly,that' works has been done but i didn't put much effort to it' 

same things happen in negative aspect, as we do something wrong again again making our subconscious mind powerful of doing this work again. 

Our conscious mind runs a bit whole day when we do some new work otherwise all work is done by subconscious mind.

So subconscious mind is very important if it is used properly and efficiently by accepting positive energy which is all around us.

By dabz

Friday, January 8, 2010

We both are quite different for each other

We feel alone without each other

We always want best for each other

We both feel bad about life as I don’t deserve this life and you deserve more than this life

We quite dissimilar, still we are together

I never liked the personality you have and you never liked the personality I have, but still we are together.

After meeting each other we explored ourselves more for us

After meeting each other we started seeing world with different eyes.

We have become more practical and realistic about relations we see in life, but our relation far away from practicality and reality or limits of understating for others

It’s the life best time and best experience we shared with each other

We shared experiences which we cannot learn in whole life

We are support for each other